Monday, September 14, 2015

Kiln Firing #2

Well, it fired beautifully! Pots were glazed, slipped, etcetera with all home made glazes and loaded up on Saturday night in time for the sunset!

The roof was finished the day before courtesy of my hubby. Loaded the pots and closed up the wicket. 

The two tanks were joined with a manifold in hopes that they wouldn't freeze up.

Had a successful firing where cone 10 was reached and very little issues!!! Woohoo!!! Thanks to some help from my hubby and a good friend who chose today to come for a visit, it was a stress free and exciting day of kiln sitting, soda spraying, and adjusting of psi (and perhaps a little beer drinking thrown in). No issues with the new build and more importantly NO MELTED BRICK!!!
Now the nail biting and waiting for cool down... Will post once I open. 

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